Workshop Schedule

Organized by Global Bridge Academy Students to develop project management skills while expanding their knowledge through knowledge-sharing sessions.

DIY Bag Charm

Lets have some fun! and make your own custom charm !

Beauty Class with Wardah

Want to look flawless every day? 🌟 Join the Beauty Class with Wardah! It's guaranteed to be fun and beneficial.

Flower Arrangement

have fun creating your very own "Bloom Box"! 🌸✨ The best part? You get to take your beautiful creation home! 🎁

Public Speaking: MC
Meta Ads Workshop

Pernah nggak, kalian bingung gimana cara membawakan acara Formal dan Informal sebagai MC? yuk ikut workshop ini

Pelajari cara mengelola iklan dengan cerdas mulai dari targeting audience, memantau KPI campaign, hingga manajemen budget, agar setiap rupiah yang Anda keluarkan memberikan hasil nyata!

NAC Training

The exclusive NAC - Personal Power training will help you discover your true strength to achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of!